NY州 Driver License Written Test
A Traffic light which has a green arrow and a red light means that
A.You may only drive straight ahead.
B.You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow
C.Vehickes moving in any direction must stop
D.You must wait for a green light
Which of the following is used on some highways to direct drivers
into the proper lanes for turns
A.Flashing yellow light
B.White arrow in the middle of the lanes
C.Flashing red light
D.White lines on the side of the road
When you want to make a right turn, your car must be
A.Past the center of the intersection when you begin to turn
B.Close to the left side of the street
C.Near the center of the street
D.Close to the right side of the street
The dirver's left arm and hand are extended upward. This hand signal
means that the driver plans to
A.Go straight ahead
B.Turn left
C.Come to a stop
D.Turn right
When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the
same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way
A.Neither one
B.Vehicle on the left
C.Vehicle on the right
D.Either one
Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol
A.Has no effect on blood alcohol content
B.Increases blood alcohol content
C.Cancels the effect of the alcohol
D.Decreases blood alcohol content
What other kinds of drugs effect your driving ability besides alcohol?
A.Allergy medicine
C.All of the above
D.Cold medicine
What is the only effective way to reduce your blood alcohol content?
B.Taking a cold shower
C.Drinking coffee
D.Allow your body time to get rid of alcohol
What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement?
A.It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement
B.It harms both driving skills and judgement
C.It has no effect on judgement but it harms drivng skills
D.It helps driving skills but harms your judgement
Drinking alcohol and driving is
A.Only a drunk driver is dangerous
B.Safe if you only have a few drinks
C.The number one traffic safety problem
D.A minor traffic safety problem
What happens to your driver's license if you refuse to take a
chemical test(breath or blood)
A.There is no evidence to find you guilty of drunk drivng
B.Your driver's license will be taken away
C.None of these choices
D.You can not be arrested for drunk driving
A "no stopping" sign mean that, unless directed to do so by a
police man, you may stop only
A.to discharge passengers
B.to avoid conflict with other traffic
C.for less than 5 minutes
D.long enough to unload packages
What does sign 4 mean
A.Slow down and prepare to stop
only if cars are approaching you
B.Proceed carefully through the intersection,
Not always stopping
C.Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road
D.Come to a full stop, then go when it is safe to do so
Road sign 10 means
A.All traffic must make a left turn
B.No U-turn
C.No Left-turn
D.A left-turn sign for trucks
Road sign 12 is used to prevent
A.Wrong-way entrance on one-way streets and expressway ramps
B.Entrance to full parking lots
C.Entrance to road construction areas
D.Entrance to dead-end streets
When you drive in heavy fog during daylight hours,
you shold drive with
A.Parking lights on
B.Head lights on high beam
C.Headlights off
D.Head lights on low beam
A safe speed to drive your car
A.Depends on the mechanical skill of the driver
B.is less than the posted speed limit
C.Depends on the weather and road conditions
D.is the posted speed limit
When you dirve at night, you can reduce the problem of glare
from the headlights of an approaching car by
A.Looking to the lower right side of your lane
B.Having the inside lights on to make the amount of light equal
C.Looking at a spot on the lower edge of the steering wheel
D.Wearing glasses with lighty tinted lenses
If you drive past your exit on an expressway, you shold
A.Make a U-turn at the next service area
B.Make a U-turn at the nearest emergency turn area
C.Pull onto the shoulder, then back up to the exit
D.Drive to the next exit and leave the expressway
You are waiting in the intersection to complete a left turn.
A.Signal and keep your wheels straight
B.Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left
C.Flash your headlights so the driver will let you get through
D.Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you